
Showing posts from July, 2017

Git good with Git

There will come a time in every developers life where they will have to learn how to use more than one version control software. Here are some steps to set up a Git repository. STEP 1  - Download the latest version of  Git here . STEP 2  - Open your terminal on your local machine. STEP 3  - You will need to tell Git who you are so that all your commits are labeled properly git config --global "YOUR NAME HERE" And your email address: git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE"   STEP 4  - Initiate your local repo: cd <directory you want to use git on> git init Finally you can clone your repo: git clone ssh:// cd my-project STEP 5  - Get to work! The code won't write itself!

Software Versioning and You

It's hard to image that after developing for so long that there was a time that I didn't use any type of software versioning software. Yes, you heard me right, there was a time that I would simply edit some code and upload it to a live environment without a way to track any changes. Versioning software like Subversion allows you to keep track of changes to your code in case. Below you will find steps to set up a svn (Subversion) repository on a host machine and locally. STEP 1  -    Insure your host machine has svn install. Just log into the machine and punch in: which svn Your output should look something like this: :~$ which svn /usr/bin/svn If your some reason you don't have svn installed on your host,  here  is where you can get started. STEP 2  -  Now that you have svn installed on your host you can create a repository. Here is the command for that: svnadmin create (PATH TO YOU REPO HERE eg. /users/svnuser/myrepo) STEP 3  ...

HighCharts Tech Tip

So you have a website with tons of data but don’t have a visualization solution. HighCharts is a purely JavaScript based chart solution that may be the answer to your searching. It is compatible with all modern browsers. If you need a solution for school or your non-profit organization HighCharts is free to use. It offers line, spline, area, area spline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, area range, area spline range, column range and polar chart types. Many of which can also be combined. It allows for multiple axes, tooltip point labels, export and print, and zooming. HighChart can have data supplied statically or dynamically through ajax. The GSA Carbon Footprint tool uses the Highcharts library to visualize carbon emissions data.  The General Services Administration (GSA) developed the GSA Carbon Footprint Tool to help Federal Agencies calculate, report, and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as specified under Executive Order (EO) 13514.