Scheduling Tasks With Azure Scheduler
In many applications it is necessary to send email notifications on a schedule. There are many ways to achieve this functionality: using a Windows service, Windows Task Scheduler, or a number of other third party solutions. In our case, we don't have much control over our web server and so we decided against a Windows service. We ended up going with Azure Scheduler which provides a reliable way to hit a network endpoint on a user defined schedule. While not a free solution in most cases, the cost is low for the majority of small applications. Here's how to set up Azure Scheduler: Open the Azure portal and open the Scheduler Job Collections blade. This can be accessed by searching for scheduler in the top search bar in the Azure portal. Click Add in the top left corner. Name the job. The name can only have alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. Select or create a new job collection. If creating a new job collection, select your...